I made this handbag skin with a single tool and following a mathematical pattern called the fibonacci sequence. It is a beautiful natural occurrence in sunflowers and other natural patterns. This bag can be used as a side bag or a fanny pack. The leather is 8 oz cow hide and is very durable. The closure twists closed and is made of solid brass. Side pieces are resin poured. Home this baby, she is worth it.
I made this handbag skin with a single tool and following a mathematical pattern called the fibonacci sequence. It is a beautiful natural occurrence in sunflowers and other natural patterns. This bag can be used as a side bag or a fanny pack. The leather is 8 oz cow hide and is very durable. The closure twists closed and is made of solid brass. Side pieces are resin poured. Home this baby, she is worth it.
I made this handbag skin with a single tool and following a mathematical pattern called the fibonacci sequence. It is a beautiful natural occurrence in sunflowers and other natural patterns. This bag can be used as a side bag or a fanny pack. The leather is 8 oz cow hide and is very durable. The closure twists closed and is made of solid brass. Side pieces are resin poured. Home this baby, she is worth it.